Smith will never change

Posted on/at 7:21 AM by Anonymous

Who would resist?


Purna said...

Can you spot his curves? Smith's weight is really a mystery.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you've noticed it too. He is trying to fool us.

Cricket lover said...

Two things about him never change.

1. The fact that he's always overweight and radically so for an international sportsman.

2. He is very attracted to the members of his own gender. He is especially enamoured of VDM. Will he ever get interested in girls?

Morne's gal said...

My goodness he's fat. Why doesn't the coaching staff do something about this. Kallis has lost a bit, why can't he?

Anonymous said...

Isn't that an old photo?

Anonymous said...

yes it is...I believe it's from the 20/20 world cup