Steyn failed IPL drug test

Proteas doctor and member of Cricket South Africa's medical committee, Dr Mohammad Moosajee is sure that Dale should get off. "Dale presumably took too much Myprodol after struggling badly with migraines over the past few months and he also broke his left thumb during the IPL"
Myprodol and codeine (the substance contained in the painkiller) are not listed as banned substances by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Codeine is turned into morphine by the body.
"The Royal Challengers medical team were informed of the painkillers and we have already sent a detailed report to the IPL in which we explained the reasons for the use of it...We expect to get feedback within the next few days and are confident that there will be no action taken against Dale."
Geez Dale! The worst part is that he might get suspended or get a hefty fine. But I doubt it. The doctors knew about it but the bastards never said a word when he got tested. They should have known what the outcome would be. Alright, so he took some painkillers for a broken thumb at least it's not steroids, right? It wasnt even actual morphine. Act naive Dale. Say you didn't know codeine turns into morphine. Blame Moosajee!
Posted in Labels: Dale Steyn, Royal Challengers Bangalore | Edit |
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bloody doctors!! the poor guy! he should not be punished... migraines HURT!
anaries- say what??
Anareis, sorry girl but I dont speak much Portuguese. All I know is 'cerveja'. I bet you're going to love the Afrikaans comment that I will leave on your blog ;)
The question we should be asking is: "Why did it take so long for the results to get out?" Modi waited for the right time. Just before the Champions Trophy. It's all a conspiracy....*kidding
Some people say, he should have known better. But I don't know. Who knew that Codeine turns into Morphine? I know it makes you go to la-la land but not that it's the transfored Codeine which actually knocks you out. The doctors should get blamed. They treated him. They are the ones with the Ph.D.'s
aneris: Falar em Inglês estúpido!
Aww that sucks! They cant do this to Dale! And yeah, the doctors who treated and gave him medicines, should be responsible!! Of course they were team's personal doctors, and they should have been aware that giving such medicines might prove bad for Dale!
Here's a link about Dale situation
Yeah man! The IPL has cleared Steyn from his doping violation. Saying that they are satisfied with the explanation that Dale has provided and they have confirmed that no offence has been committed.
To that person behind making this all public? *in your face, bitch!
Psht, drug test my ass! Honestly, Modi is trying very hard to keep the IPL in the news even when its not on! Saffers don't need drugs to perform Modi. Why don't you pick on your own boys for a change? :P
Ha ha ha! As if Morphine would enhance his performance.
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Why did Steyn need painkillers on his paid vacation? Yeah, I am a RCB fan.
Adverbin, nice one. It did end up being one for him. He played only one game. Dale broke his thumb and he suffers from migraines. I don't blame him for taking too many Myprodols, migraines are a bitch. But he was cleared, they accepted his explanation.
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