New love for Smith
Yep, it hit the tabloids this morning. Graeme Smith has been spotted in Cape Town with 25-year-old teacher Brigitte Sarembock, whose aunt, Margaret Gardiner, was Miss Universe in 1978.

In March he told reporters that he had moved on from his break-up with model Minki van der Westhuizen. He's been happy single and had not time for a girlfriend.
“What’s the point of dating a girl and then waiting eight weeks until the next one? I am on the go and travelling the world most of the year,” he reportedly said. -No, you wait 5 yrs.
But it seems Sarembock, a special-needs teacher at Tafelberg High School in Sea Point, Cape Town, has found a way into his heart. Friends of the couple, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the pair were holidaying on the Garden Route this weekend. -Better get rid of your 'friends'
When called on her cellphone on Sunday, she immediately passed it over to Smith. -Oh, busted!
“I don’t really want to comment about this. I try to keep my personal life quiet, I don’t ever talk about that...Sorry to be rude, but there is nothing to comment on,” he said.
Smith has been spotted in recent weeks at Headquarters Restaurant in Cape Town or the city’s Bat or Jade Lounge nightclub, partying with team-mates Jacques Kallis, Mark Boucher and AB de Villiers. -Wish we could get some pics of Jakes dancing.

In March he told reporters that he had moved on from his break-up with model Minki van der Westhuizen. He's been happy single and had not time for a girlfriend.
“What’s the point of dating a girl and then waiting eight weeks until the next one? I am on the go and travelling the world most of the year,” he reportedly said. -No, you wait 5 yrs.
But it seems Sarembock, a special-needs teacher at Tafelberg High School in Sea Point, Cape Town, has found a way into his heart. Friends of the couple, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the pair were holidaying on the Garden Route this weekend. -Better get rid of your 'friends'
When called on her cellphone on Sunday, she immediately passed it over to Smith. -Oh, busted!
“I don’t really want to comment about this. I try to keep my personal life quiet, I don’t ever talk about that...Sorry to be rude, but there is nothing to comment on,” he said.
Smith has been spotted in recent weeks at Headquarters Restaurant in Cape Town or the city’s Bat or Jade Lounge nightclub, partying with team-mates Jacques Kallis, Mark Boucher and AB de Villiers. -Wish we could get some pics of Jakes dancing.
Posted in Labels: Graeme Smith | Edit |
So now he has time for a girl? NOW? Just before the Champions Trophy?
She clearly hasn't heard about the rumours.
I want to see some picks of the guys partying.
Oh, great all is not lost!
Love that last pic, he looked great. Compare that one to the recent ones. I can't see any weight-loss.
Bon, I looked it up and this was the first line of the article:
'AFTER months of being single, Proteas cricket captain Graeme Smith has finally got a girlfriend'.
The words 'months' and 'finally' made me fall from my chair with laughter.
I have a question though, how do they know what the girlfriend said on Facebook?! That's is SO creepy.
According to the Times, it's her friends 'who spoke on condition of anonymity'. Maybe when they got the friends to talk they went like 'hey, if you don't believe me check out her FB page, hold on let me just get my phone...' Just wait until they find out who these so-called friends are. Nobody can keep a secret. The truth will come out! Mhu ha ha ha ha
Oh Purna, I saw Bouch wrote in his diary but didn't answer our questions yet. We should keep them rollin' ...;)
We can't even hate the girl for stealing the captain's heart. She's not only a teacher but a special-needs one. Dammit!
Yeah, I saw that too. How many did you post? I think he's having a hard time choosing. Our questions are obviously awesome but he needs to show that he cares about his other fans too. Which he obviously doesn't cuz no one is as funny as us.
Smithy's girl needs to change friends.
Btw Bon, why did you feel the need to mention that the girl's aunt was a former Miss Universe?? HAHAHA
Bragging rights ;)
This means she's sort of famous? I don't know. Just look at her competition Sharmone & Dale's chick are both models, then there's the soon to be hot mama, Albie's wife, oh, and AB... ;)
Have you heard from any of our Aussie friends? They have been gone for a long time, I hope they're alright.
Lol. Yeah she has some serious competition. But I think the WAGS will help her become one of them soon enough. If not the WAGS, AB certainly will :P.
I head from Es last week. Amy is still a no show. So is Morne's lover. Is something going on in Aus that we don't know about?!!
Amy's hiatus worries me the most though...
H1N1 flu? I heard on the news about a month ago that Aus got hit hard by it. (It has started over here as well but we had enough time to prepare ourselves, I've been boosting my immune system)
I remember Amy mentioned that she's ill.
Yeah, it could be the H1N1 flu that Amy had, although I hope not! But Es is fine, she's just busy.
Hope the cricketers don't catch it! We need to win our first ICC trophy to commemorate our number one position :D.
Bring on Tamiflu or Relenza! I'm sure they'll be alright. As long as they'll go to the doctor as soon as the symptoms start.
They could just be taking a break with the Proteas. I am off to bed it's 10.49 pm here. Nite P.
Hello all... ahh i missed you guys.
She is not blonde and she holds a job? WOW!
Ah well I’m happy for him…
Who is Brandon and Bella?
I still can't believe Morne got dumped! So heart broken right now...
But Smith is meant to be gay. Is this to quell the rumours? She apparently came top of her school too. Since he's the dumbest captain in world cricket the relationship is doomed; they will have nothing to talk about.
Opposites attract, I guess.
Morne's-one-and-only-love. it's good to have you back. So the lowdown on the names. BrandON is Boncam, I had to change my username because the 'cam' part had pervs confused. Bella is my new co-writer, she will every now and again write a piece. I wanted to get a woman's POV because there are a lot of fangirls around.
Hi Morne's lover! We missed you too! I have an idea. While Morne is missing out on cricket, you should fly to Saffaland to console him. He will then fall in love with you and marry you. Yes? Yes.
Oh, I launched a campaign for him in my blog. We should hold a protest soon.
Morne is gorgeous and shouldn't be dropped. His has eyes to die for. He would be so popular with the girls. Smith's new woman is a super fugly. Why can't he get an attractive woman? She'll be the dog among attractive WAGs.
Smiths new girl is a woof woof, If graeme smith is such a hit with the ladies, than why would he have to date such a minger, even Jacques can get a beautiful girlfriend, personally I think this is a cover to stop the gay rumours, If smith was a red blooded male than I think he would have a hottie like his team mates, not this minger.
I think you're right Mad for Albie, she's the ugliest woman I've ever seen date a cricketer. I think she even looks very masculine. Smith's obviously gone for someone close enough to a man. Now that he has a woman publicly, he is free to be with as many men as possible. Very convenient of him.
Obviously the great cover up. Smith will always be known as gay and dating this trashbag confirms it.
Agree she is so masculine, Big chin, big noise, even though she is prob a cover, Smith should be ashamed having such a minger on the balcony, SA have the hottest wags, he could have at least went in line, I know Minki was prob a cover to but at least she was presentable, His mate Kp seems to be doing better, his got voted the eight hottest wag in the world, and to think Smith called him a muppet, one more think to gloat about when he comes home, Smiths new minger,
Wow Bon, there are too many Biffy haters in this world! Even when he has a girl she is being branded as masculine and a cover up.
Have you guys ever thought that maybe dating Minki taught him a lesson about blond bimbos? Botha's wife is not some hot model as well...I don't see anyone having a problem with that!
And KP is pussy-whipped.
check this link out of her pole dancing.
Ja she really needs new friends and faithful ones. she sould also know that know that she is dating a celeb that she must remove all incriminating pictures on her facebook.oh well welcome to the life of a celeb you will learn.
LOL. I know Minki is 'hot' and Graeme still broke up with her. That's where all the gay rumours started I reckon.
Pole dancer eh? Graeme sure knows how to pick them!
Bon, nice one about his 'special needs'. Mark updated his ask mark section btw, and you made it! I didn't :(.
I think the consensus is that this is a major cover up. She sure does look like a man. Definitely a transvetite. Why doesn't Smith just date AB - I know he can't resist him. But Smith knows how to drag down the hotness of the WAGs by pretending to date this fugly tramp. I hope she doesn't end up in the crowd next to Kerry McGregor and Kallis's bird. Steyn's chick is also a bit of a dog and a gold-digging one at that. I agree about KP better batsman, much better woman.
Even Michael Clarke can get a babe like Lara Bingle. Biff has missed out big time. Brigitte Sarembock, how dare you being so cod ugly thinking you can date a cricketer? Let's send hate mail to her facebook site.
If that's the best 'she' can put o facebook, imagine how lucky she really is! I don't think Morne would settle for something as trashy as her. He's a babe.
Purna I love your idea... i just need money for a plane ticket :) I’m totally going to stalk him at the world cup… if I can go that it…
ha ha what a trashy pic... SHE TEACHES KIDS???? I'm concerned!
Brandon - nice move with the girl... i like the balance :)
Teaches kids, I hope she doesn't scare it with an ugly dial like that. Goodness she should get arrested for indecent exposure in public. Fuck what a nose! She is definitely a transvetite. What a comedown from the gorgeous Minki. Maybe Graeme just doesn't appeal to the ladies.
Bella did a special post from the heart. Remember she actually like the dude (thats GS not Bridgitte)
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